Financial Aid /

    Tuition and Fees

    Cost-effective tuition and fees

    UMHS is proud to provide a quality education at an affordable price. We understand that student debt can be a significant burden, so we have purposely established tuition at a value that makes the academic program affordable, with costs far below those of many other medical schools.

    UMHS offers several scholarship options and financial aid for our students.

    UMHS Students in Classroom

    UMHS Students in the classroom

    Contact the Office of the Bursar:

    275 7th Ave., 26th Floor
    New York, NY 10001
    Phone: 212-868-0855 ext. 300
    Fax: 212-868-4725

    Contact us

    Basic Science Program: Semesters 1-4 (St. Kitts, 13-29 credits**)

    Per semester fee

    Basic Science tuition


    Lab & school fees


    Student Government Association


    Evacuation insurance


    Health insurance (age-based)

    $278.00 - $669.00


    $17,513.00 - $17,904.00

    Extended Basic Science Program: Semesters 1-5 (St. Kitts, 13-26 credits**)    

    Per semester fee

    Extended Basic Science tuition


    Lab & school fees


    Student Government Association


    Evacuation insurance


    Health insurance (age based)

    $278.00 - $669.00


    $15,243.00 - $15,643.00

    Clinical Science Program: Semesters 5-10 ( US, Maine Campus**)

    Per semester fee

    Clinical Science tuition


    Liability insurance


    Health insurance (age based)

    $375.00 - $903.00


    $19,669.00 - $20,197.00

    Accelerated Review Program (Online and St. Kitts)

    Per semester fee

    Accelerated Review Program tuition


    Student Government Association fees*

    * Fee not required for online program


    Evacuation insurance*

    * Fee not required for online program


    Health insurance (age based)

    $278.00 - $669.00


    $11,113.00 - $11,504.00

    Tuition rates effective: September 2024

    Note: Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice.

    Tuition is assessed based on student classification, the program of study, and the number of credits for which a student is registered.

    ** Tuition will be prorated for total registered credits in the Basic Sciences (BAS) and Extended Basic Sciences (EBS) that fall below the semester credit range stated above.  The Basic Science and EBS charge will be at a rate of $1,100.00 per credit. Tuition in the 5th semester–Maine will be pro-rated at a rate of $1,250.00 per credit for students who are registered for less than 11 credits.  Tuition for the Clinical program (Sem 6-10) will be pro-rated at a rate of $1,250.00 per credit/rotation week plus the cost of liability insurance for those students scheduled for more than 78 weeks of rotations.  Any necessary adjustments to accounts will be made upon official notification from the Registrar.

    A student failing any course in any semester will be required to repeat that course and will be charged per the tuition and fees schedule.

    Payment options

    All payments must be in U.S. dollars and drawn from a U.S. bank.

    1. Check
    2. Money order
    3. Credit card (Mastercard and Visa)
    4. Wire transfer


    Graduation 2022-1-1


    Direct and indirect costs

    There are two categories of costs associated with attending any educational institution: direct and indirect. UMHS only bills for direct costs, but you should take both direct and indirect costs into account when considering your financial needs.


    Direct costs

    Direct costs are those associated specifically with the educational process and are billed directly by the university to the student. Direct costs include tuition, lab fees, course fees, medical and evacuation insurance, and applicable registration fees. 

    Health insurance

    Health insurance is required for all students enrolled at UMHS. Enrollment in the medical health insurance plan offered by UMHS is automatic unless proof of health insurance is provided by the student before or during registration. The cost of health insurance purchased through UMHS varies depending upon a student's age. The cost is billed at the beginning of each semester.

    Evacuation insurance

    Students are required to have evacuation insurance while living on St. Kitts. In the event of a medical emergency where a student may need to be evacuated to a US hospital, this would cover that cost. Enrollment in the medical evacuation insurance plan offered by UMHS is automatic. It is due at the beginning of each semester.

    Liability insurance

    Liability insurance is required for every student during the fifth semester at the Portland, Maine campus and while completing clinical rotations at any UMHS affiliated teaching hospital. Students will be provided further details regarding liability insurance prior to returning to the U.S. for fifth semester.

    Laboratory and competency testing fees

    Students are responsible for laboratory and competency testing fees each semester. The laboratory fee will be billed along with tuition for all semesters in St. Kitts.


    Indirect costs

    Indirect costs include, but are not limited to housing, living expenses, books, supplies, and transportation. Students are responsible for indirect expenses. UMHS does not bill nor receive money for indirect costs.

    Although calculating financial aid eligibility involves the total of all direct and indirect expenses, students will only be billed for the direct costs at UMHS. Students who qualify may choose to apply for available loan programs to assist with their educational and (if applicable) living expenses.

    While UMHS only bills for direct costs, students should also take into account indirect costs when planning their financial needs. These include:

    Books and equipment

    Each semester, students receive a list of the required books, supplies, and uniforms they will need to purchase. The most efficient way to obtain these items is through the St. Kitts campus bookstore during registration. All books offered will be the latest editions available at the time of shipping.

    (Note: If you purchase books in advance of matriculating to campus, be sure to verify your airline’s checked-luggage weight limit beforehand and plan accordingly. You may also ship your books to campus through either Amerijet or Tropical Shipping.)


    Students are required to bring a laptop or tablet computer to campus starting in the first semester. More detailed information about laptop and tablet requirements can be found at the technology requirements page

    For more information about technology requirements, contact IT Director, Wayne Williams at


    Students are required to pay for their airfare to the island and all costs associated with travel to clinical sites in the US and Canada.

    UMHS provides transportation for all students to and from campus and their housing locations on St. Kitts. Students may choose to purchase or lease a car from a private individual for the time they are in St. Kitts. The costs associated with purchasing and maintaining a used car can vary widely,  and typically range between $3,000.00 to $5,000.00. Students should be aware that the vehicle purchase is solely their responsibility and not a function of any office at the University. Students should check the campus bulletin boards for advertisements on used cars.

    Living expenses

    Students need to budget for typical living expenses, including housing, utilities, food, local transportation, and entertainment. Costs will vary based on the level of accommodation and location. 

    Tuition refund policy

    Students who officially withdraw from the university will have their refunds, if any, calculated according to the tuition refund schedule that is published in the student handbook and website. The percentage of refund is based on the actual date of withdrawal recorded by the Registrar. All withdrawals may not necessarily result in a refund and, in some instances, a tuition balance may still be due. Insurance and fees are non-refundable. Refunds are mailed directly to the student's permanent address by the Office of the Bursar.

    When withdrawing from the University, a student is required to complete and file the appropriate form before being entitled to any credit or refund of tuition. The completed document must be returned to the Office of the Registrar. Once the form is processed, it will constitute an official withdrawal from the University. Discontinued attendance or notification to the instructor or any other office will not constitute an official withdrawal.

    The effective date of withdrawal is normally the student's last date of attendance. The University's handling of tuition and charges corresponds with federal loan entitlement regulations, which are based on the period attended:

    • If a student withdraws before the start of a semester, no tuition charges are due.
    • If a student withdraws within the first 60% of a semester, tuition is prorated based on the number of days attended during that term.
    • If a student withdraws after the first 60% of a semester, full tuition/charges remain due.
    • For withdrawals during the first 60% of a semester, student loan entitlement is recalculated per federal loan regulations. If applicable, the University and the student are each proportionally responsible for returning "unearned" loan funds to lenders. In addition to the lender returns required by federal regulations, the University returns any remaining credit balance to lenders, which decreases the student's loan debt for that semester.
    • All self-paying students (non-financial aid) who officially withdraw from the university during the first 60% of a semester may receive a tuition refund per the prorated tuition standard listed above.

    Although a leave of absence may be authorized in limited circumstances, failure to return to school from a leave of absence is considered a withdrawal as of the last date of attendance. Under federal regulations, a leave of absence: must be requested and approved in advance; may not exceed 180 days, and may not be granted within 12 months of a previous leave of absence. An interruption of enrollment status that does not qualify as a leave of absence is considered a withdrawal as of the last date of attendance. Information about registration, benefits, and coverage is given to students at orientation.

    Contact the Office of the Bursar

    275 7th Ave., 26th Floor
    New York, NY 10001