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    Photo of Dr. Frank Jones

    Frank Jones, Ph.D.

    Course Director of Medical Cell Biology and Professor of Molecular Sciences

    Dr. Frank E. Jones obtained his PhD in Medical Sciences from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada where he studied Herpes Simplex Virus. Dr. Jones conducted his Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the Department of Pathology at Yale University School of Medicine where he started his career in animal models of breast cancer and the development of novel breast cancer therapeutics.

    In 2001 Dr. Jones joined the Department of Biochemistry at Tulane University School of Medicine. During his nearly 20 years at the Tulane University School of Medicine Dr. Jones conducted research on developing novel biomarkers and targeted therapies for patients with therapeutic refractory, metastatic, breast cancer. He was awarded multiple NIH RO1 grants for 15 years of continuous NIH funding and eight three-year Department of Defense Breast Cancer grants. His publications have been featured on the covers of Developmental Cell, Cancer Research, and The Journal of Cell Biology. For his continued and significant contributions to basic and clinical cancer research, Dr. Jones was promoted to the prestigious Tulane University School of Medicine Endowed Chair of Cancer Research.

    As the principal investigator of an active NIH funded research laboratory, Dr. Jones also maintained a commitment and dedication to excellence in teaching. His medical education teaching responsibilities at Tulane University School of Medicine included Pharmacology, Molecular Biology of Cancer, Gross Anatomy, and Cell and Molecular Biology. He received multiple teaching awards for his efforts including the Robert J. Glaser Distinguished Teacher Award, Award for Professor of the Year; Dean’s Endowment for Excellence in Teaching, and Award for Medical School Course of the Year.

    Always ready for a new challenge, Dr. Jones joined the faculty at the University of Medicine and Health Sciences in 2020 as a Professor of Pharmacology and Cell Biology.